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IEP Occupational Health Services
in Novi
A Higher Standard of Care for your Employees
IEP Urgent Care makes it easy for your Novi area business to provide quality and comprehensive health services for everyone on your team.
We’ll help you set up a custom and cost efficient plan that best suits your needs and then you and your team can always count on lower medical costs.
More importantly, everyone will always have on-demand access to a full array of high quality medical services after hours and on weekends at any of our seven IEP Urgent Care offices in Bloomfield Hills, Brighton, Ferndale, Clinton Twp.,
Grosse Pointe, Jackson, Novi, and Southfield.

27204 Beck Rd,
Novi, MI 48374
Monday-Friday from 8am-8pm
Weekends from 8am-6pm

Occupational Health Services
COVID vaccine (adult & child)
COVID testing
Flu vaccine and immunizations
On-site flu shot clinics
DOT Physicals
Preventive care
Worker’s Compensation Injury Care
Expedited care for your corporate team
Return to work/Fit for Duty evaluations
Pre-Employment Screening & Exam
On-site digital X-ray services
Drug Testing
Audiometric and Vision screenings
Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)
Electrocardiogram (EKG) for chest pain diagnosis
Sprains, fractures, and splinting
Wound care, scrapes, and rashes
Telehealth services

Harrison Wenson
Business Health Services Liaison
(248) 536-2127
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